come as you are!
About Cornerstone
it’s the journey
At Cornerstone UMC we are a people bound together through the love of God. Those who gather represent the vast diversity of Godʼs people for we believe that in diversity we experience unity. God has invited us to be full participants in God’s story. We share this story together through our lives, our worship, our prayers, our generosity, our relationships and in our service to others. Godʼs story is a journey and not a destination. Godʼs story invites us to be one outpost among many that bears witness to love of God in the world.
We share the story in authentic and practical ways and do not set limits on the expression and diversity of Godʼs gifts and people. “Come as you are!” We really mean it! Cornerstone celebrates the ancient paths which form our faith and lead to embodiment within our current reality. Woven within those ancient paths (that transcend time and culture) are current expressions of art and music all bearing witness to Godʼs movement within our age and time. God is breaking down the walls and barriers of separation between people, communities, and creation.
A Community & Team
Rev. Lisa Lefkow
DeaconAaron Thayer
Youth DirectorHaley Gross
ChildcareKen Slabach
Custodianbreaking down walls
- All are welcome!
- There is no dress code.
- We are serious about breaking down the walls and barriers that separate us from God, each other, ourselves, and creation.
- We are committed to diversity – in music, dress, economic status, ethnic origin, gender, sexual orientation, age, and physical-mental ability.
- We do not believe science is the enemy of faith but rather contributes to our greater understanding of God’s creation.
- We maintain a sense of “Ordered Spontaneity” in worship and leadership.
embracing mystery
- We take God very seriously.
- We welcome questions and confess we donʼt have all the answers.
- We believe that God always shows up.
- We are committed to reading, reflecting, and being challenged by the Holy Scriptures. Within these sacred texts God reveals God-self to us in many unexpected and beautiful ways.
- We are not Biblical literalists.
- We celebrate the mystery of God revealed to us through Baptism and Communion.
participants in god's story
- We seek to participate in Godʼs story.
- Godʼs story is not simply for a particular time or people but all people throughout all the ages.
- We are “Becoming Godʼs Church” together – no one is finished in this place!
- The “church” is not an institution or building but a “body” – it is organic.
- The “church” is not perfect nor is it the only authority on life.
- The “church” is the Body of Christ and stands opposed to the forces of evil, oppression, and injustice in the world.
- The Body of Christ is to be a just and generous community.
sharing & Transformation
- The good news of Jesus Christ is incredibly good news for everyone!
- The change agent of God is the Holy Spirit and not us.
- We celebrate the wonder and beauty of all God’s creation and believe that we should take great care of God’s universe.
- We are intentional about Christian formation through teaching and the arts.
- We need each other. we canʼt do this alone.
- We nurture faithfulness to God through our prayers, presence, gifts, service, and witness of all God’s creation.
- We celebrate the transformation that comes through the power of the Holy Spirit in community with each other.
- We are connected to a story that is bigger than us.
- We are driven and defined by the narrative of LOVE!
Rev. Roy Terry IV
Senior PastorRev. Roy is a true Floridian having been born in Sarasota, FL. Rev. Roy and his family settled in Naples in the late 1970’s after moving around the country for several years with his father’s college football coaching career. He attended local schools and graduated from Naples High School. Rev. Roy received his undergraduate degree in Religion and Christian Education from Florida Southern College in Lakeland and his Master of Divinity from Duke Divinity School in Durham, NC.
Rev. Roy launched Cornerstone United Methodist Church in 1996 with a vision of celebrating all God’s gifts and people. He is passionate about authentic participatory worship and believes God is calling all born in Jesus Christ to “become God’s Church” together.
A recognized preacher, Rev Roy was invited to give the opening sermon at the Ekklesia Project National Gathering in 2009. He has preached at Duke Divinity School at the “Can Resident Aliens Survive” Conference. He was invited to the Passionate Worship Event and the Warren Willis United Methodist Youth Camp in Leesburg, FL. Rev Roy contributes regularly to many other college and youth programs.
He has written for “Christian Century,” The Ekklesia Project and was invited to write a chapter in Diana Butler Bass’s book From Nomads to Pilgrams: Stories from Practicing Congregations (2006). Cornerstone received significant mention in Bass’s Christianity for the Rest of Us, (2006) as an example of a thriving congregation.
Rev. Roy is married to Leslie Haberman Terry and they have a daughter Emily who is attending Florida Southern College. His hobbies include: playing in the Holy Moly Band, promoting indie music events and writing music. A big part of family life centers around horses so a lot of time is spent “horsing around with my girls.” Also important is time with family and friends…but don’t forget Duke basketball and “horsing” around.
Rev. Lisa Lefkow
DeaconLisa Federico
director of musicLisa Federico is from Cleveland, OH. and is a graduate of Ohio’s Heidelberg University. She has a music education and performance degree with emphasis in piano and vocal pedagogy. She also studied piano and voice further at Ohio State University, Cleveland Institute of Music, and the Fine Arts School in Willoughby, Ohio.
Lisa is a music teacher for Collier County Public Schools since 1994. She also is an Instructor and Music Director with The Naples Players and Kidz Act at The Sugden Community Theater for 12 years. She performs with Opera Naples, Marco Players, and is a guest soloist for the Naples Concert Band.
Lisa has appeared in various roles since 1996 with The Naples Players including:
-Lynn in “The Great American Trailer Park Musical”
-Bloody Mary in “SOUTH PACIFIC”
-Mrs. Bedwin in “OLIVER”
-Madame de la Grande Bouche in Disney’s “BEAUTY AND THE BEAST”
She has two sons:
Joseph, age 21, is a senior attending the Citadel Military College in Charleston, S.C.
Frankie, age 15, is a freshman honors student at Gulf Coast High School
Aaron Thayer
Youth DirectorDominique Nash
Children's MinistryDominique shares her love for the Lord fostering relationship building and applying God’s Word in daily life. She oversees Cornerstone’s Children’s Ministry efforts and is pursuing a degree in Biblical Care Ministry from Crown College. Before joining CUMC, Dominique served as Children’s Ministry Director for 13 years at another local church and she has worked in Exceptional Student Education in the public school system.